- Read the following articles from the National Association for Children of Alcoholics (www.nacoa.org/). You will find these articles located under module notes: The Counselor and the COA; Silenced into Listening; and Portrait of an Alcoholic Family: Forgotten Children: Right Next Door? Write a short summary of each article, including the main point each article is trying to make. Write about how you can use this information to work with clients.
- In the Module 4 Module Notes there is an article labeled “Module 4 Lecture Notes: ACOA Factsheet: Adult Children of Alcoholics.” After reading this article, develop an outline you could use to do a short lecture on this information. You will need one other reference besides this article.
- Research the 6 family roles discussed in the module notes: dependent person, enabler, hero child, scapegoat, mascot, lost child. Choose one of the roles and write a paper detailing the characteristics of the role (if it is a child’s role, be sure to also write about how that role affects them as adults). Write about what kind of intervention strategies you could use in working with someone playing that role.
In a Separate document
Read the following documents located in the module notes for Module 4: Core Competencies (Introduction to Working With Children of Parents with Substance Use Disorders) and Social Work Initiative (the PowerPoint for article). This Course Module was developed by the University of Maryland, Baltimore Country, School of Social Work for the National Association for Children of Alcoholics,http://www.nacoa.org/ ( attahed the file)
Write a paper detailing what you learned from this reading. Your paper should be at least 500 words and include how this information might be helpful in working with children of alcoholics/addicts.