Service Learning Outline “Junior achievement”

Category: Political Science

student will plan, conduct and analyze a service-learning project (for almost everyone, this will be Junior Achievement). The goal of this assignment is to use our experience in higher education to fill a need in our community and to analyze any issues relevant to communication and citizenship that arise from our the project. In order to complete the project.students will outline their plan for the project in no less than one page, (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font).

Requirements for the outline:

-Must Include a brief description (at least 1 paragraph) of the project you plan on completing over the course of the semester (Junior Achievement). Which should include:

1) Where you plan on fulfilling the requirements of the project (10 hours of service)

2) Background on the place or organization you will be working at IOWA ELEMENTARY with a partner

3) Tell me why this fills a need in our/your community?

4) Is there any planning required on your part?

Next please include a schedule of how you plan on devoting 10 hours of time to your project (by May 3). What days will you work on it(APRIL 15th) For how many hours a day (10 hours)? How long will any planning take?

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