Submit Part A and Part B as a single post. Part A You have completed a working draft of the Career Narrative Essay that incorporates evidence from at least three sources. You will now begin revising a

Category: English

Submit Part A and Part B as a single post.

Part A

You have completed a working draft of the Career Narrative Essay that incorporates evidence from at least three sources. You will now begin revising and editing your draft. A little-known fact among beginning writers is that revision and editing are two entirely different processes, both of which are essential.

Revision is the process of seeing the essay again, as if it were something new. During this process, the writer refines structure, which refines the meaning of the essay.When editing the writer corrects typos and grammatical errors, reading through the paper line by line and making changes.  Editing occurs when a piece of writing is nearly ready for submission or publication.All writers revise. Needing to revise is not an indication that a person is a bad writer. Rather, it is a very important part of the process, one that writers at all levels engage in.The peer review process allows both the reviewer and the writer to work on important skills, like evaluating, responding, and reflecting. These are skills that can be used in other areas, including professional settings.Click the link below for the video, No One Writes Alone: Peer Review in the Classroom – A Guide For Students, to learn more about the peer review process:

In at least one paragraph (5-7 sentences), go through the bullets below and complete the questions. Be as descriptive and specific as possible:

  • What were your beliefs about the word “revision” before reading the notes above and watching this video? How have your beliefs been influenced or changed by the video?
  • In what ways does participating in the peer review process prepare you for writing situations that you will encounter in the professional setting?

Part B

In Part A, we discussed the importance of the peer review process. Now, you are going to participate in the peer review process and offer suggestions to help your classmates make improvements on their essays.For this portion of the discussion, post the introduction and one body paragraph (goals, skills, or accomplishments) from your Week 4 draft of the Career Narrative Essay for feedback.

Be sure to follow these instructions before posting your paragraphs:

  • Put your thesis in bold, so it is easy to find.
  • Make sure the body paragraph you choose has a quote, summary, or paraphrase from one of your sources.

The Attach Files is the WEEK 4 DRAFT OF THE CAREER HARRATIVE ESSAY!!!!!!!!!!!

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