Summaries this
Sea turtles have been. swimming the world’s _oceans since the days.when-dinosaurs walk-ed
the land. Now aU seven species of these antient and enduring creatures are ~dang~ed,. some
critically. As ~ts of their survival incre~e – such as pollution, poaching, fishing and coastal
development- turtle numbers have decreased by an alanning ninety per cent over the past decade.
The vast distances that turtles migrate complicates their conservation at an international level.
Leatherbaq~: for exaI11,ple,. are found in the waters of the Caribbean, Newfoundland and the
BritishJsl¢s Luckily, atte111pts to save them at a local level are increasing, and visitors to the
Grenadine Islands in the south Caribbean.have several opportunities to witness and participate in ‘ ill ‘ . .
co~~: tion .. a grassroots level.