The persuasive speech is one in which the speaker aims to persuade his or her audience that something should be considered true or false; that something is either good or bad; or that some problem exi

Category: Communications

The persuasive speech is one in which the speaker aims to persuade his or her audience that something should be considered true or false; that something is either good or bad; or that some problem exists that needs to be fixed. An effective speech should change or reinforce the audience’s beliefs or attitudes, or it should cause the audience to take some form of action.

In this module you will write and deliver your persuasive speech. Please keep these persuasive speech requirements in mind:

  • Include all of the introduction and conclusion elements as discussed in this course.
  • Use one of the persuasive patterns of speech.
  • Your time limit is 6-7 minutes.
  • 4 academic references are required for this speech. You will need to refer to these sources during your speech (oral citations) and include a complete APA formatted reference page.
  • Submit your updated persuasive outline to this drop box after you have recorded your speech.

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