This discussion looks at school funding through a different lens: support to students in transition. We all want to see homelessness and hunger eradicated, but what is the cost of that? In terms of

Category: English

This discussion looks at school funding through a different lens:  support to students in transition.  We all want to see homelessness and hunger eradicated, but what is the cost of that?  In terms of schools, what do students in transition need?  Who pays for that?  You, the teacher?  The school?  The district?  The county or state?  

NOTE:  In Osceola Schools (and maybe OCPS–not sure), students are not referred to as homeless.  The phrase that is used is “families in transition.”  

For this discussion, please READ the following resource 

Now. . . imagine that you are a central Florida student–you choose the grade level.   Your family was “surviving” until your Dad got laid off work.  Your family was evicted and you no longer have a permanent place to live. Because you had a permanent home at the beginning of the year, the school doesn’t know you no longer have a permanent home.   

For your post,  identify the grade you are “in.”  Will you let your teacher know about your new situation?  Why or why not?  What challenges to learning do you think you might now face as the result of your current living status?  What other things or services might you or your family need? (Think of things you routinely do or have at your home or things you might take for granted.) 6-8 sentences!

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