TRAINING PLAN  1. IntroductionPlease provide a short description of the training project and an outline of what is covered in the document. A couple of paragraphs will suffice. 2. Training Needs Ana

Category: HR Management


1. IntroductionPlease provide a short description of the training project and an outline of what is covered in the document. A couple of paragraphs will suffice.  

2. Training Needs Analysis 

What is the performance issue/problem? Here you should provide a brief explanation of what triggered the training need. You are required to demonstrate that you considered other non-training issues that may have impacted on performance. What are the learners needs?Here you should provide a brief explanation of the methods used for the training needs analysis and a definition of the learner needs. Learner needs are the full set of needs required to do the job (ignoring existing knowledge and skills). What existing knowledge and experience do they have?  Here you need to outline the existing knowledge and experience that the learners already have in relation to their needs. What are the gaps?Here you need to highlight the gap that exists between the learner needs (what the need to do their job) and the existing knowledge and experience they already have (relative to their needs). The gap should be described in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes and should be prioritised as far as reasonably possible. 

3. Training DesignWhat do you want the learners to be able to do as a result of the training?Here you need to specify the overall aim of the training and the specific learning objectives (what the learners should be able to do by the end of the course). 

What methods will you use to support them to reach this level of performance and knowledge?Here you need to outline the various training methods that you use. A brief explanation of each method is required indicating what it is and why you selected it. What resources will be used to deliver this training?Here you outline the various training resources that will be required to deliver the training. How will this training be structured overall?Here you should provide a broad outline of the training programme linked back to the training objectives.  

4. Training DeliveryWho will deliver this training?Here you specify the trainer providing a brief background indicating suitability to deliver the training. How will it be delivered?Here you expand on the content outlined earlier under design and the methods that you plan to apply.  When and where will it be delivered?Here you specify the timing of the training and location of delivery to the learners. How long will it take?Here you should specify the duration of the training and key dates. .  

5. Training EvaluationHow will you evaluate that learner’s reaction to the training?Here you need to explain how the learner’s reaction to the training will be evaluated. How will you evaluate what the learners have learned?Here you need to explain how learning will be evaluated in terms of assessment. How will you evaluate what learning is being applied?Here you need to explain how you will evaluate that learning is being applied back in the workplace. How will you evaluate the results?Here you need to explain how the results of training will be evaluated in terms of business results. 

6. Adult Learning Theories applied to the trainingHere you need to briefly reference any broad areas of learning theory (or specific learning theories) that influenced you in constructing your training proposal.  

7. ReferencesHere you should specify any particular material that you referenced in your submission. Please not that references are not included in the word count. 

8. Appendices Finally you should attach any materials that you feel are relevant to your submission. Please not that appendices are not included in the word count. 

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