Two 200 to 300 word paper of examples of developmental concepts

Category: Psychology

I would like someone who is great with psyc class.  —>APA STYLE

The required textbook for this course is: 

  • Berger, K. (2014).  The Developing Person, Through the Life Span (9th ed.).   New York:  Worth. 

—-Each will need a minmunim of 200 words covering theories, examples of concepts covered in class.

classical conditioning and Piaget’s Conservation Task (Five-year-old Fails, Seven-year-old Passes)

1)  describe the outside concept. This may involve posting a web link to an article or cartoon or simply a description of the TV show or news item.

2)  explain how this relates to a concept in class including defining the psychological terms.

3)  include a full reference for the outside example and your text book. Please qoute main article.

Entries that do not sufficiently explain how the example relates to class will not receive full credit.  Entries that do not include a full reference of the source will not receive full credit.


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