Unit 2: Discussion – Art and the World Around Us Introduction Artists often try to help us see our world without our usual filters, to make us look deeply at it. They try to bring the background again

Category: Art & Design

Unit 2: Discussion – Art and the World Around Us


Artists often try to help us see our world without our usual filters, to make us look deeply at it. They try to bring the background against which we live our lives into focus.

Unit Learning Outcomes

Describe how technological innovation is reflected in the arts. (2, 3, 4)

Describe some of the ways that artists have helped to shape public perception of the environment. (2, 3, 4)

Initial Post

In each unit discussion you will have a post where you address one or more of the questions posed.  A high-quality post will be:

on time


answer thoroughly

use specific examples of artwork and/or use sources including the text, and online or offline articles to support its points. 

Response Post

You will also need to participate by doing a response post to a peer.   When you follow up on a peer post you need to add value to a conversation with your own thoughts, points or counter points. Think of it like being at a party. Just saying ‘I agree’ or ‘Good post’ (or something that boils down to that) stops the conversation. A high-quality peer post continues the conversation by asking questions, or making connections between the post it is responding to and other information, or even by disagreeing with the original poster and offering counter examples. 


Watch the following videos.

Research and explore for other information on these artists and their artwork.

Read the discussion questions below and leave your comments using the “Reply” prompt.

Make sure you proofread your posts and cite you sources using MLA format.


Maya Lin’s Silver Upper White River


Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty

The painting that inspired a National Park

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