Using the information related to the 4 stages in the life of a group as the guide, go to any group of your choice and interview 2 people at the same timeabout their experience with the development of that group. 1. Develop a list of at least 10 questions that will be used to guide the conversation. 2. Be sure the questions deal with all 4 stages of the life cycle. To verify this is being accomplished, identify which stage is tied to which question. Example – Does it seem like there’s a lot of tension in this qroup or do people seem to trust each other? (stage 2) 3. Be sure to identify in which stage the group currently exists and support this classification with examples, as well as, information from the literature. 4. Be sure to cite specific examples to support the information presented by the interviewees. 5. Write at least a 3 page paper that reflects upon what these 2 individuals had to say about their experience. Be sure to include/cite literature to support your argument. Note – 1 page will consist of the questions asked. Also note – A well written paper will take 3 pages. 6. Reflect upon what you learned about the life-cycle of groups.