Week 2 Discussion APA format Minimum of 250 words

Category: Accounting

Week 2 Discussion APA format Minimum of 250 words

Discussion Questions:

Remember, this is our classroom. After you address this week’s questions, you can respond to any post I put in class for your additional posts, and you should also read and respond to posts from at least two other classmates. Posting 3 times is a MINIMUM expectation. Three posts will NOT earn you an excellent grade “A”. For that you must go beyond the minimum expectation. Use outside research sources in addition to the videos and your text book (journals, news articles, etc. — but NOT Wikipedia). Properly document your sources using APA style in-text references and a reference list.

In your first post, respond to these questions BEFORE you view the videos in step 2:

  1. How do bonds provide financing to corporations for their capital projects?
  2. What are the key differences between using bonds to finance capital projects and using stock for that purpose?

Visit the textbook website and view the following “Bond Market” videos:

  • Introduction of Everen Securities and How the Bond Market Financed a New Hotel
  • Definition of the Bond Market and How it Differs from the Stock Market
  • Government Bond Market
  • Summary of the Bond Market
  • Definition of Stocks and Bonds

After viewing the videos, post your responses to the following questions. You should conduct outside research, in addition to watching the videos. (If you are unable to view the videos, use news articles, websites, etc. to support your answers).

    1. The value of a bond is dependent primarily on two factors. Name and explain these factors.
    2. Compare and contrast the differences between stocks and bonds.

You are required to post a minimum of 3 substantial posts each week.

Remember, posting the MINIMUM number (3) will NOT earn a 100%. A minimum effort does not warrant that.

Discussion Grading Criteria:

Thoroughly answered all of the questions: 40 points possible

Quality response to at least two classmates and/or Instructor: 30 points possible

References to text and/or other sources:  10 points

Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 10 points possible

Posted on 3 separate days:  10 points

Total: 100 points


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