Week 2 Essay

Category: Accounting


Some financial advisors recommend you increase the amount of federal income taxes withheld from your paycheck each month so that you will get a larger refund come April 15th. That is, you take home less today but get a bigger lump sum when you get your refund. Based on your knowledge of the time value of money, what do you think of this idea? Explain.


Define what is meant by interest rate risk. Assume you are the manager of a $100 million portfolio of corporate bonds and you believe interest rates will fall. What adjustments should you make to your portfolio based on your beliefs?

Please number each of your answers. This is very important so that I understand which questions you are responding to.

Assignment Grading Criteria:

Thoroughly answered all of the questions: 60 points possible

Spelling/Grammar at the college level: 20 points possible

References to course material using proper APA style: 20 points possible

Total: 100 points

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