Week5 intro conc titile

Category: English

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Assignment 3: Introduction, Conclusion, and Title Due Week 5 and worth 50 points

Remember in this course, you will develop one essay. The subject of your essay for this course is “Changing Our Lives.”  In your essay, you will address why you decided to go to college at this time in your life and state the three reasons behind your decision.

The subject of your essay for this course is “Changing Our Lives.” You have taken a marvelous, brave step on an educational journey. Congratulations! You have likely done a great deal of soul-searching to come to this enormous decision. The purpose of this essay, therefore, is for you to tell your readers (your instructor and your classmates) why you came to this decision. In your “Changing Our Lives” essay, you will address why you decided to go to college at this time in your life and state the reasons behind your decision.

In the first two (2) assignments you chose your topic and created a thesis statement. Now you will create the introduction and the conclusion to your essay, along with adding a title to your essay. Please review the “Sample Student Essay – Introduction, Conclusion, and Title” by clicking this link to download. “Sample Student Essay – Introduction, Conclusion, and Title” can also be accessed by using the “Additional Resources” link in each week or by navigating to Student Center>Additional Resources. (Please do NOT write your whole essay in this assignment. We will create the essay step-by-step each week for final submission in Week 10. Creating your introduction, conclusion, and title is the next step in creating your essay.)

Write a one-half to one (½ to 1) page in which you:

  1. Develop an introduction paragraph that attracts the reader’s attention and provides sufficient background information for the reader to want to continue reading.
  2. Include the revised version of the thesis statement you wrote in Assignment 2, making sure to use instructor feedback in revision.
  3. Develop a conclusion paragraph to the essay, making sure the conclusion signals an end to the essay and provides a closing thought.
  4. Develop a title for the essay, making sure the title piques the reader’s interest and introduces the essay’s subject.
  5. Meet the assignment word count of five to seven (5-7) sentences for each paragraph.
  6. Minimize grammar, spelling, mechanics, and follow APA formatting.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Write paragraphs and essays, and other assigned work with a clearly defined main idea introduction, body, and conclusion.

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