Write an assembly language function for computing the coefficients of a linear equation. The C prototype for the function is as follows:

Category: Engineering

Write an assembly language function for computing the coefficients of a linear equation. The C prototype for the function is as follows:

void solveForAandB(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double* aPtr, double* bPtr);

One of the obstacles you will have to overcome is how the double values are passed to the assembly function from C. Remember that doubles are 64-bits in size. Another is storing the results at the locations indicated by the pointer values passed to the function.

The following shows my results when debugging my version of the function:

Enter the x0 and y0 values (Example: 3,2): 3,2Enter the x1 and y1 values (Example: 7,-4): 7,-4The following were printed by mPrintDouble in the assembly function:x0 = 3.000000y0 = 2.000000×1 = 7.000000y1 = -4.000000y = -1.500000 * x + 6.500000

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