
Category: Computer Science
  • Part 1 of 2 (refer to Week 3 Readings in the Lessons for Week 3)

    • Evaluate arguments and theses by

  1. Clemente (2013)

  2. Bellovin, Bradner, Diffie, Landau & Rexford (2011)

  3. Saadawi & Jordan (2011) and

  4. FEMA (2013).

Specifically, respond to the following questions:

  1. What do they have in common? 

  2. What are the differences is their assessment of cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection? 

  3. How does FEMA’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Plan address key requirements set for by Clemente (2011)?

  • Conclude with a research or policy question for further research.

  • You must use literature and cite and reference your work using APA style.

    WEEK 3 readings 

    • Required:  Clemente, D. (2013). Cyber security and global interdependence: What is critical? Programme Report. February 2013. Chattam House.  https://www.chathamhouse.org/publications/papers/view/189645#

    • Required: Bellovin, S. M., Bradner, S. O., Diffie, W, Landau, S. & Rexford, J. (2011). Can It Really Work? Problems with Extending EINSTEIN 3 to Critical Infrastructure. Harvard National Security Journal. 3.1, pp. 1-38.    http://harvardnsj.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Vol.-3_Bellovin_Bradner_Diffie_Landau_Rexford.pdf

    • Required: Saadawi, T & Jordan, J. Jr., (2011). eds. Cyber Infrastructure Protection.  Carlisle Barracks: U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute.  http://ssi.armywarcollege.edu/pdffiles/PUB1067.pdf

    • Required: FEMA (2013). National Infrastructure Protection Plan.  https://www.dhs.gov/national-infrastructure-protection-plan

  • Part 2 of 2 (refer to Week 4 Readings in the Lessons for Week 4) 
  • Evaluate   
  1. Findings and Lessons Learned in Xia, Becerra-Fernandez, Gudi, & Rocha-Mier (2011)
  2. Information Fusion in Hennessy, Patterson & Lin (Eds.) (2003).
  3. Can these findings be utilized in your city, county, state EOC. Why? Why not?
  4. Conclude with a research or policy question for further research


  • Required: Xia, W., Becerra-Fernandez, I., Gudi, A., & Rocha-Mier, J. (2011). Emergency Management Task Complexity and Knowledge-Sharing Strategies. Cutter IT Journal,  24(1),  pp. 20-25. 
  • Required: Hennessy, Patterson & Lin (Eds.) (2003), Information Technology for Counterterrorism: Immediate Actions and Future Possibilities, Section 2 (Types of threats associated with information technology infrastructure), Section 3.2 Systems for Emergency Response and Section 4. National Academies Press. (it may take a few minutes to download and open). 
  • Required: Zibuschka, J., Laufs, U. & Roßnagel, H. (2011). Towards ubiquitous emergency management systems. Modiquitous 2011 Proceedings. 
  • Required: Amin, S., & Goldstein, M. P. (2008). Data against natural disasters: establishing effective systems for relief, recovery, and reconstruction. Washington DC: World Bank. 
  • Required: Becerra-Fernandez, I., Xia, W., Gudi, A. & Rocha, J. (2008).  Task Characteristics, Knowledge Sharing and Integration, and Emergency Management Performance: Research Agenda and Challenges. Proceedings of the 5th International ISCRAM Conference – Washington, DC, USA, May 2008.

i will send the links for week 4 as soon as i find them  

please use all resources  and 600  words for each part

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