You will be writing an essay on discrimination/racism, gender roles, and lack of opportunity because discrimination is still a big issue in todays society and we are taking action now and making sure

Category: English

You will be writing an essay on discrimination/racism, gender roles, and lack of opportunity because discrimination is still a big issue in todays society and we are taking action now and making sure our voice is heard like the BLM movement. Also about gender roles and the lack of opportunity people have.

1.     Prewrite, draft, write, and revise at least three formal essays (750-1000 words in length each). The essays will be written in a variety of genres, assume a variety of rhetorical approaches, respond to a rhetorical situation, address a specific audience, address a variety of viewpoints, and articulate a stance. The essays will incorporate outside texts.

2.     Use critical reading strategies to understand a range of public and academic writing.

3.     Discuss ideas and motives in culture.

4.     Explore through reading, research, and discussion, in order to articulate in writing, the complex relation of the self to society through students’ reflection on their lives, goals, and problems in relation to the values, decisions, and beliefs of others.

5.     Incorporate textual evidence in writing, when appropriate, through the use of paraphrase, summary, and quotation.

6.     Investigate the relationships between stylistic options and audience response.

7.     Practice strategies for meaningful revision and recognize that writing is a recursive process.

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