Your patient, Mr., is a retired 62 y/o white male on a fixed income with a known history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Barrett’s esophagitis and…

Category: Science

Your patient, Mr. F., is a retired 62 y/o white male on a fixed income with a known history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Barrett’s esophagitis and degenerative arthritis. His current blood pressure is 160/94. His total cholesterol is 261, HDL total is 84, and LDL total is 130. He continues to have intermittent reflux symptoms and multiple achy joints, especially his knees. His current medications include amlodipine, OTC Prilosec and Advil.

Please answer the following questions, keeping in mind potential drug-drug interactions, side effects, impact of the drug or drugs on co-morbid conditions, frequency of dosing, and cost.

1)The patient’s blood pressure is not well controlled. 

What medication or medications would you add and why?

2)The patient’s cholesterol and LDL levels are well above the accepted guidelines. 

What medication or medications would you add and why?

3)The patient’s Barrett’s esophagitis is not well controlled with OTC medications. 

What medication or medications would you add and why?

4)The patient’s degenerative arthritis is not well controlled and his activities of daily living are compromised. 

What medication or medications would you add and why?

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