Analysis of an argument | English homework help

Category: Questions



I hope this message finds you doing well.

This is my writing analysis of an argument assignment. This assignment is 1000 words .


All you need to do is: A) Read carefully all the PDF files I attached starting with the Instruction and Scoring Rubric. B) Follow the APA style as instructed and read the Style Essay Template. Based on them analyze/write the argument  (See attachments).


(Don’t write the questions) – I will run the paper through Copyscape that homework market provides, and the result MUST be = ZERO.


The most IMPORTANT things for me:

1) Follow the ALL instructions carefully.

2) Use very simple language and idea because I’m an international student and I need to understand everything once I read it.

(See all attachments)

*Three of my classmates are using Homework Market as well. And three of my friends took the same class last quarter and used this site as well. So. please I need my papers to be original and written from scratch.


Thank you in advance,

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