Do the why we hate hr discussion & post reply to edwards discussion

Category: Questions


Read the article “Why We Hate HR (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.“. Address three out of the five questions below: 

  • Is there more to HR than its predecessor, PA? Discuss the arguments for and against this notion.
  • Based on your experience, to what extent do you agree or disagree with Hammonds’ arguments and why?
  • In your opinion, who is responsible for HR not reaching its full  potential in general? Who is responsible for HR not reaching its full  potential in your organization (if applicable)?
  • Based on what you have learned so far, how can HR act as a strategic  business partner in general? How can HR act as a strategic partner in  your organization?
  • After reading Hammond’s article, do you think your employer should  increase, decrease or outsource HR roles and functions and why?

Use at least one additional scholarly source and provide the link  within the body of your initial post to further support your analysis.  

Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. Address their  answers to the three selected questions as well as to the outside  article they shared.

Edwards discussion Reply-  

Employers put hr in place to manage their funds, which means they  need to find ways to save the company money when it comes to purchasing  supplies, along with hiring and training employees.  While they have the  role of hiring candidates, their relationship only exists with their  boss which is the ceo or executive, and employees do not like that.  “Recruitment and selection can play a pivotal role in shaping an  organization’s effectiveness and performance, if organizations are able  to acquire workers who already possess relevant knowledge, skills and  aptitudes (Dahie & Mohamed, 2017, p. 80). Hr can act as a strategic  partner if they are allowed to judge the character of an employee  instead of just solely basing it off their skill set.

Most companies do not cross train employees who may have the  potential to benefit the company because they believe it will have to  use more time and money to train an individual with no experience even  though they already work for the company. An outside candidate can get  hired more easily if they already have the experience needed for the  position, despite the internal employee having proved his or her  employee morale. Human resources can act as strategic partner if  employers hire individuals in that department that has other skill  backgrounds besides human resources which will enhance creativity and  have a better relationship with the employees. The ceo can then decrease  outsourcing and allow an organization to reach its full potential by  way of hiring hr workers with different skills.


Dahie, A. M., & Mohamed, R. A. (2017). Human resource management practice and organizational performance: Case study from Hormuud Telecom in Mogadishu-Somalia. European Researcher, 8(2), 78-87. doi:10.13187/er.2017.2.78

Hammonds, K. H. (2005, August). Why we hate HR. Fast Company. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Quentins Discussion-Reply-  

Based on your experience, to what extent do you agree or disagree with Hammonds’ arguments and why?

I somewhat agree with Mr. Hammond. Having been in HR for a number  years and now working in a department that works closely with it, this  article really pulls a number of bunnies out the hat. Mr. Hammond  mentioned HR professionals not being the “sharpest tacks in the box,”  they prefer efficiency over value, HR attempts to cause executives to  conform into the system and the issue of the need of performance  appraisals, and low communication between higher level executives and HR  (Hammonds, 2005). Maybe this is his only experience and that experience  was not his best. As stated, I love the work around HR and I think I am  a pretty sharp tack that endeavors to learn more about HR and other  related areas. It is funny to me how so many can talk about HR being  bad, yet it is the only department, typically, that all employees must  go to at least once. Once their issues are met, they are happy until  something happens they do not like. Remember, HR is governed by state  and federal laws, so is the problem really HR or the government?

Based on what you have learned so far, how can HR act as a  strategic business partner in general? How can HR act as a strategic  partner in your organization?

Hammond stated that “HR should be joined to business strategy at the  hip.” I totally agree with that. My company has initiated that concept  with other departments and certain HR professionals serve as the liaison  between both parties. So whatever issue arises in either department,  the HR business partner is the person who handles the dilemma and  further fosters the relationship between the two as well as the  organization’s success. Being a strategic partner, it helps to change  the overall business environment/morale, it aids in talent management  and increases productivity of the employees. I always say a happy  employee is a happy company.

After reading Hammond’s article, do you think your employer  should increase, decrease or outsource HR roles and functions and why? My  HR department has a bad name overall. There have been years of  inefficiency and incompetence. It just has not seemed to bounce back.  However, there has been a change of the guards and they are actively  trying to regain their reputation. It is not their fault…it was an  inherited situation. I think that this HR department is competent enough  to handle all situations and bring about a change in what people think  about the department. I do not think that outsourcing is an option.  Challenges come day after day. When those same challenges are not met,  then that is a problem with leadership in general.

Hammonds, K. H. (2005, August). Why we hate HR (Links to an external  site.)Links to an external site.. Fast Company. Retrieved from

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