Encode the following pressure data.

Category: Questions

Encode the following pressure data.

(a) 1028.0 = 
(b) 1008.4 = 
(c) 992.2 = 
(d) 976.6 = 
(e) 994.8 = 
(f) 1000.1 = 
(g) 1008.2 = 
(h) 987.1 = 
(i) 988.8 = 
(j) 1022.2 = 


Decode the following station model data.

(a) 281 = 
(b) 206 = 
(c) 080 = 
(d) 168 = 

(e) 800 =
(f) 888 = 
(g) 465 =
(h) 768 = 
(i) 000 = 
(j) 987 = 



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