English literature research paper – 1200 words

Category: Questions

I will give you two options for the Essay and Provide you with sources from the Library. 

This essay must be at least 1200 words in length. It must be written in MLA format, typed, and double-spaced. You must incorporate at least two sources of research into your essay; this research must be literary criticism. Research must come from the library and must be reliable—I suggest the Literature Research Center. Internet sources do not count toward the two required sources. The library’s online databases, however, are not considered Internet sources and can be used as research. Wikipedia and similar sites are not allowed; using such sites will lower your essay’s grade. Dictionaries and encyclopedias do not count toward the required number of sources.

A Works Cited page is required. The Works Cited page, quotations, and citations account for at least 25% of the essay’s score, so be sure to include proper documentation.

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