How does social media, facebook – persuade korean teenage girls to

Category: Questions

How Does Social Media, Facebook – Persuade Korean Teenage Girls To Undergo Cosmetic Surgery?


Research Objectives:

·         Recognise social media’s power to influence teenage girls to have cosmetic surgery




                Scholars are yet to provide a universally agreed definition of social media. Nonetheless, social media generally denotes Internet tools that allow users (individuals, groups, and organizations) to interact with one another over virtual networks by sharing and exchanging information, ideas, and interests (Qualman, 2013). In other words, social media allows users to build online relationships, which in turn facilitate the exchange and sharing of all manner of information. Popular social media applications include Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, MySpace, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Wikis, blogs, podcasts, and social gaming are also part of social media (Al-Deen & Hendricks, 2012). Facebook is the most popular social media application, with more than one billion active subscribers worldwide and representing more than 60% of all social media users across the globe (Qualman, 2013). Nearly three quarters of all Facebook users log into their accounts no less than once a day to post, like, comment, and share stories, photos, and videos about not only their own life, but also friends, relatives, brands, products, and organizations (Qualman, 2013).       

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