Nature’s complexity | Geography homework help

Category: Questions


After reading chapter 19 in Christopherson and viewing the “Nature’s Complexity” powerpoint along with the youtube video in this unit, please complete the following: 

1) Given that climate change is rapidly altering many species’ habitats, forcing some to die or migrate, explain how this could dramatically affect food webs (a few sentences)

2) Via “succession of species”, how might habitat loss/change create new opportunities for some species as well ? (a few sentences) 

NOTE: In part 1, please include a mention of how producers, consumers, detritivores, and decomposers factor in to this equation. In part 2, be sure to include factors of elevation, weather events, abiotic resources such as more water or sunshine. 

IMPORTANT: Your response must conspicuously draw upon the poweropint and Christopherson chapter or you will have points deducted. 

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