Scholarly analysis | Psychology homework help

Category: Questions

It is important that the worksheet is completed and the questions below are answered.  


  • Complete the Scholarly Article Content Analysis Worksheet for the Hass & Ray (2020) article.
  • Analyze the contents of the article and apply the findings to the case conceptualization included in the worksheet.
  • Critically analyze the article and identify all components:
    • Is the article scholarly?
    • What is the problem/purpose?
    • What is(are) the research question(s)?
    • Who are the participants?
    • What are the ethical/cultural considerations?
    • What data /information was collected from participants?
    • How did the researchers describe the results/answer to the research question?
    • How does this research apply to the case study?

Be sure to support your Assignment by citing all resources including those in the Learning Resources. Use proper APA format and citations.

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