Week 5 real estate law

Category: Questions

1. you are examining title to a parcel of property and notice that in 1987 George and valerie Green sold the property to Brian dearborn. No marital status for Brian is indicated. Brian sold the property in 1993 to Monica Fairbanks, a single woman. From there on, all documents indicate the marital status of buyers and sellers. Does the lack of indication of Brian’s martial status create a title defect. why or why not

2. you are representing the seller in a real estate closing. the buyer is a corporate, ABC,inc. As part of your preclosing tasks. you have requested a verification of corporate statue to determine if the corporation is in good standing in its state of incorporation, and you also have requested a copy of the corporate resolution authorizing this transaction and setting forth the officers authorized to act on behalf of the corporation in this matter. the buyer provides these documents to you three days before closing. you have reviewed the resolution and notice that the president is authorized to act on behalf of the corporation. the contract for purchase and sale was signed by the vice president of the corporation. what should you do?

3 Martha Patton and Audrey Edwards, two elderly sisters who are both widowed, have decided to purchase together a house listed with Hanson realty. The sisters have not obtained an attorney to represent them. Brent Hanson, the real estate broker in charge of the listing, offers to complete the contract for sale and purchase by filing in the blanks on an approved, standardized contract form commonly used for residential transactions. if Brent completes the form, is he guilty of the unauthorized practice of law?

     Brent has been a real estate broker for twenty years and has, over the course of the years, become familiar with the legal consequences attendant upon the manner in which title is held. He suggests to Martha and Audrey that they take title to the house as joint tenants with right of survivorship, since this would allow the unit to pass to the survivor upon the death of the other without the imposition of state death taxes. Is Brent engaging in the unauthorized practice of law by making this suggestion?

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