1. draw an erd containing the order and customer entity types

Category: Information System

1. Draw an ERD containing the Order and Customer entity types connected by a 1-M relationship. Choose an appropriate relationship name using your common knowledge of interactions between customers and orders. Define minimum cardinalities so that an order is optional for a customer and a customer is mandatory for an order. For the Customer entity type, add attributes CustNo (primary Key), CustFirstName , CustLastName,, CustStreet, CustCity, CustState, CustZip, and CustBal (balance.) For the Order entity type, add attributes for the OrdNo (primary key), OrdDate, OrdName, OrdStreet, OrdCity, OrdState , and OrdZip . If you are using the ER Assistant or another drawing tool that supports data type specification, choose appropriate data types for attributes based on you common knowledge. Ans: Customer CustNo CustFirstName CustLastName CustCity CustState CustZip CustBal Order OrdNo OrdDate OrdName OrdCity OrdState OrdZip Places All data types should be variable length character strings (VARCHAR) except for CustNo, OrdNo, and OrdDate. CustNo and OrdNo should be INTEGER. OrdDate can be either DATE or TIMESTAMP (include time and date). 2. Extend the ERD from problems 1 with the Employee entity type and a 1-M relationship name using you common knowledge of interactions between employees and orders. Define minimum cardinalities so that as employee is optional 

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