400 word observations | History homework help

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Book: https://learn.twu.ca/pluginfile.php/525485/mod_resource/content/1/ıntercultural_communıcation_in_context.pdf

Video: https://youtu.be/FuwWf8dhb34 

Write your observations (up to 400 words) applying the most relevant ideas of:

Intercultural Communication in Contexts by Martin, Judith N. & Thomas K. Nakayama

  • Hall’s High/Low Context Cultural Patterns (eBook page 228)
  • Kluckhohn’s Value Orientations (eBook page 95)
  • Hofstede’s Cultural Patterns (eBook page 87 and 103-105)

Here is a resource that you may find helpful as you connect the theorist (Hall, Kluckhohn and Hofstece) to your film observation paper:


The web site allows you to compare 2 countries utilizing Hofstede’s 6 dimensions:

  • Power Distance
  • Uncertainty Avoidance
  • Individualism – Collectivism
  • Masculinity – Femininity
  • Associative – Abstractive
  • Possessing Truth – Respecting Virtue

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