Long Analytical Essay. This essay must be a minimum of 1500 words (approximately five typed pages). Essays shorter than the required word length will be penalized (longer essays are fine).
The essay will be on:
Aristotle detailed four characteristics necessary to the ideal character in a tragic: goodness, propriety, true to life, and consistency. Explain how the character of Hamlet, Blanche, or Stanley fits—or perhaps does not entirely fit—Aristotle’s definition of character. Describe how Hamlet fits the roles.
Start the essay with this:
Introduction paragraph: Goodness, propriety, true to life, and consistency. When bakers bake, they tend to use the finest combination of ingredients. When farmers farm, they use the best seeds. When firefighters fight fires, they use the best hoses. When professors teach, they use the best textbooks. So goes the tragic hero. Centuries ago Aristotle created a recipe that is still used today. Much like most recipes its often tweeked, salted to taste, but remains true to its principles. No less is the composition of the tragic hero.
Working Bibliography:
Carlson, Marvin. 1993. Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey from the Greeks to the Present. Expanded ed. Ithaca and London: Cornell UP. ISBN 0-8014-8154-6.
Janko, Richard, trans. 1987. Poetics with Tractatus Coislinianus, Reconstruction of Poetics II and the Fragments of the On Poets. By Aristotle. Cambridge: Hackett. ISBN 978-0-87220-033-3.
Pavis, Patrice. 1998. Dictionary of the Theatre: Terms, Concepts, and Analysis. Trans. Christine Shantz. Toronto and Buffalo: U of Toronto P. ISBN 978-0-8020-8163-6.
Importance and explaination of goodness
Examples of goodness in works from Aritotles day and today
Importance and explaination Importance and explaination
Examples of “
Importance and explaination being True to live
Examples of “
Importance and explaination of consistency
Examples of “
Works lacking all elements
Tragic heros character breakdown, take away each element
This essay must use and cite (directly or indirectly) This paper should show a thoughtful, intellectual analysis of one or more of the works of literature studied this quarter and engage in critical thinking on the topic.
Students must also employ two direct quotations and two indirect citations.
Essays without appropriate documentation and Work Cited/Bibliographic entries will be penalized. Plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for the assignment. Egregious examples of plagiarism will result in a grade of zero for the course.
Research & Documentation: You are expected to conduct some outside research for this essay. Papers must include a Work Cited page that lists the appropriate bibliographic entry for your texts including your primary source (the play!). To show that you have used your sources, you must have two examples of indirect quotes and two direct quotes in your paper.
MLA documentation: All documentation, including citation from the novels and/or poems must use appropriate MLA citation, together with parenthetical references to authors and pages.
When researching your essay, you must use reputable, reliable, academic sources. Sparknotes, wikipedia, ask.com, etc. are not acceptable sources.
To find appropriate sources, use Berkeley College’s online library (or go to the actual library!). Through the Library tab on Blackboard, fine on the left-side of the page “Electronic Databases A-Z.” Here you will find two applicable sources for research:
Bloom’s Literary Reference Online
Type your topics in the specified areas. Be sure to search for “full text” and “peer-reviewed” articles to make certain you have a scholarly article.
Documentation & Work Cited Entries: use the following website to help you with documentation:
HYPERLINK “http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/675/01/” http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/675/01/
Format & Grading: Refer to the syllabus for specifics.