1. Choose an organization, company or agency that suffered a cyber-related attack within the past 5 years.
2. Discuss in your paper the specifics of the attack and how it negatively affected the organization. Make sure you site your source and use in-text citations.
3. Use a table, figure, or any other method to outline or display the type/s of attack/s that occurred and what security controls potentially may have failed the organization.
4. Articulate in your paper what the group believes could have prevented the reported cyber-attack, and, specifically relate this to two or more learning objectives from our course. Note: I will be paying close attention to this part of the research paper! Therefore, fully discuss this portion in your writings. Use tables/graphs, etc., as necessary.
5. Continually tie your findings to the learning objectives of our course. Therefore, saying this, our textbook will be one of your sources to be used for this assignment.
Things to do: