W6 a2 | Literature homework help

Category: Literature

****I have attached the guidelines, part one of this assignment and the feedback from the professor because I need to get an A+ on this.  I didn’t receive a good grade at all (F to be exact).  Please let me know if you can assist in this matter.

Assignment #2: Interacting with Rad

Relying on both textural information and at least two (2) outside references, write a three to five (3-5) page report that answers the following:

1.     Describe the behavioral goal you set for Rad in Assignment #1.

2.     Choose either Bruner’s or Vygotsky’s Theory of cognitive development, and explain the fundamental tenets of the chosen theory.

3.     Describe the key ways that the approach to the desired goal would change with the chosen theory. Explain the assumptions to the chosen theory and the manner in which they may impact Rad or you as the Instructor.

The format of the report is to be as follows:

·        Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format.

·        Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response.

·        In addition to the three to five (3-5) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.

Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

Outcomes Assessed:

·        Analyze the basic principles of learning theories.

·        Analyze how cognitive development influences learning ability and styles.

·        Use technology and information resources to research issues in.


Points: 200

Assignment 2: Interacting with Rad



Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1.  Describe the behavioral goal you set for Rad in Assignment #1.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely met the stated criteria. 

Partially met the stated criteria.

Satisfactorily met the stated criteria.

Thoroughly met the stated criteria.

2. Choose either Bruner’s or Vygotsky’s Theory of cognitive development, and explain the fundamental tenets of the chosen theory. 

Weight: 30%

Did not choose or incompletely met the stated criteria.

Partially met the stated criteria.

Satisfactorily met the stated criteria.

Thoroughly met the stated criteria.

3. Describe the key ways that the approach to the desired goal would change with the chosen theory. Explain the assumptions to the chosen theory and the manner in it which they may impact Rad or you as the Instructor.  

Weight: 30%

Did not submit or incompletely met the stated criteria

Partially met the stated criteria.

Satisfactorily met the stated criteria.

Thoroughly met the stated criteria.

4. 2 References 

Weight: 5%

No references provided

Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices.

Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

5. Writing Mechanics, Grammar, and Formatting

Weight: 5%

Serious and persistent errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

Partially free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

Mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

Error free or almost error free grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

6. Appropriate use of APA in-text citations and reference section

Weight: 5%

Lack of in-text citations and / or lack of reference section.

In-text citations and references are provided, but they are only partially formatted correctly in APA style.

Most in-text citations and references are provided, and they are generally formatted correctly in APA style.

In-text citations and references are error free or almost error free and consistently formatted correctly in APA style.

7. Information Literacy / Integration of Sources

Weight: 5%

Serious errors in the integration of sources, such as intentional or accidental plagiarism, or failure to use in-text citations.

Sources are partially integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

Sources are mostly integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

Sources are consistently integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

8. Clarity and Coherence of Writing

Weight: 5%

Information is confusing to the reader and fails to include reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.

Information is partially clear with minimal reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.

Information is mostly clear and generally supported with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.

Information is provided in a clear, coherent, and consistent manner with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.

Guideline #1: Describe the behavioral goal you set for Rad in Assignment #1.


Give a brief description of Rad from your first assignment.  What did the typical day look like with Rad? How was he misbehaving?  What behavioral goals did you set for Rad that would help him succeed in your classroom?  These goals should be measurable and precise.  You also want to go with two or three goals versus many goals so that you can focus your paper and address each one specifically. Your reader should clearly be able to picture what your classroom looks like with Rad, and what you want to work on through the goals. 


Guideline #2:  Choose either Bruner’s or Vygotsky’s Theory of cognitive development, and explain the fundamental tenets of the chosen theory.


First, choose either Jerome Bruner or Lev Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development to discuss.  Then provide a description of either Bruner or Vygotsky’s background (who is Bruner? Who is Vygotsky? More thoroughly include an in-depth overview of the major tenets of what they suggested through their beliefs.   What did they contribute to the world of cognitive development and learning?  How do they suggest students learn and grow? 


Guideline #3:  Describe the key ways that the approach to the desired goal would change with the chosen theory. Explain the assumptions to the chosen theory and the manner in which they may impact Rad or you as the Instructor.


How do your goals for Rad change now with your understanding of Bruner or Vygotsky’s?  How have his theories helped you better create a plan that is going to work for you as the instructor and for Rad? What assumptions does your theory make about behavior and learning in the classroom, and how can those assumptions be related to Rad’s case specifically?  How can you better help Rad excel?    


Conclusion: Bring it all together. 

What did you discover throughout this piece and how will you be better suited to work with Rad?




(APA formatting).  Include where you found your information.  Be sure to cite your resources throughout your work with in-text citations.  Remember, the more support you can provide (quotes, paraphrasing) the better! These helps add validity to your claims. 


FINALLY, Pay attention to formatting!

The format of the report is to be as follows:

o   Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one inch margins on all sides, APA format.

o   Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response.

o   In addition to the three to five (3-5) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.





I am a science class instructor of students, ion a certain school. In my class, I have many students among who include Rad, one of the best performers in this subject in my cases. I have taught the student in many other units and classes, where he has shown good performance all through. Recently, however, Rad began lowering his grades in the subject consistently, until his performance captured my attention. Having been his instructor for many other classes and units, the student has been consistent with good performance and thus I attained the understanding that a certain change must have taken place with him, which is also the most probable cause of the change in behavior. In this paper, I will provide a case scenario in my strategy, which I utilized with an aim of helping Rad change his recent behavior and enable him to retain his good grades in the subject that in was instructing.

Set Behavior Goals

After observing the performance changes that had occurred to Rad, one of my best students, I realized there must be another change that occurred within him, which caused the decrease in performance. After a, thorough assessment of his studies and his progress in education, I realized that he is among a large number of students who only attains a clear understanding of learning concepts after they go through the days learning later. I thus understood that Rad, therefore, managed to maintain the high-performance status because he made sure that after earning any concept, he found his own time to go through the concepts and understand them. Currently, however, Rad had obtained other activities, which he involved in after school and thus did not have any time to go through the many concepts that he had been taught in the subject. His behavior of lack of personal studies and using that time with other activities was the main reason why he was failing, and it required to be addressed.

Having obtained this understanding, I realized that I had to take action in assisting Rad to change his new behavior in order to ensure that he retains his status as one of the best performers I the classroom. My first goals for the change that I desired in this student is ensuring that he understood the change in his behavior, and the negative means through which it was affecting him and his grades. It is extremely important for any individual to make the decision to change without being assisted by other to involve in change that he or she might not have decided to change. By enabling Rad to understand reality with regard to his behavior, it current effect and possible future ways through which it might affect him, there is a high chance that he would attain the will to change the behavior (Kuhlenschmidt, 2015).

The second goal is to provide the individual with strategies of changing the behavior. These are important because Rad may feel the need to change his negative behavior, but he does not have an effective way through which he can initiate the change. Being his instructor and an individual who understand him and his situation clearly, therefore, I should provide him with ways through which he can initiate the change effectively. The other goal is enabling the individual to completely and effectively initiate the behavior change process and attain the change effectively. By attaining this goal, I will have managed to assist Rad to change his undesirable behavior of not studying after the teacher has taught different topics and thus he will manage to retain his high-performance status and ability.

Determining appropriate reinforcers 

Reinforces refers to the factors are aimed at strengthening a certain behavior. After Rad changes his current behavior, he will embrace a different behavior, which is the desired behavior for him. Certain factors are needed which will ensure that he will not change back to his old undesired behavior. These factors are the behavior reinforcing factors that are needed with regard to the case of Rad. The first behavior-reinforcing factor is regular assessment and encouragement to Rad. When he is able to change back to his old behavior where after being taught a concept he looks for his own time and studies to attain a better understanding, His grades are likely to improve the current state. One of the reinforcing factors through which he can thus maintain this behavior is through simple encouragement and recognition of his efforts. This reinforcing factor will enable him to understand that his efforts are recognized and thus he is likely to feel encouraged to continue with the desired behavior. The other reinforcement factor is close monitoring of his progress. One of the main reasons why people obtain a don’t care attitude towards studies, behavior and many other aspects are when they attain the thought that all other individuals do not care about their actions. By showing extreme interest in his progress, therefore, Rad is likely to ensure that he maintains his positive behavior and progress. The main reason why these reinforcers are appropriate for Rad is because, to begin with, the desired behavior is not new to him and thus he does not require a highly complex strategy to reinforce his desired behavior.

Procedures for changing behavior

To achieve the desired behavior in this individual, the first procedure is assessing his educational progress together. This procedure is aimed at creating an awareness that there is a problem, which should be addressed. Since the student has been failing, the assessment would clearly show a consistent negative change in the grades. In addition to this assessment, I would also communicate to the individual the realizations that I had made with regard to his negative change in my behavior clearly stating my positive intention of helping him initiate a positive change. The next step in my procedure is convincing the individual to change the behavior. This step is important because it is extremely easy for change his behavior when he feels the need and is highly willing to change it, then when he does not feel any need to involve in the change. Being his instructor, he might decide to initiate my strategies due to the respect that he has for me, but if he does not understand why he should change, it would be extremely difficult for the strategies to be effective. It is due to this reason therefore that convincing Rad to change his behavior is another significantly important aspect that should be carried out effectively. After convincing him to change, the next step is providing him with strategies through which he should initiate the change process. The strategies, in this case, involves an analysis of the time that he has after school and providing him with a rough timetable of how he should spend this time in order to ensure that studies have some time in his schedule. The implementation of these strategies should enable Rad to change the undesirable behavior completely.

Implementing procedures and recording results

Implementation of these procedures is extremely important since it is only after they have been implemented successfully that change can be obtained on the individual’s behavior. Implementation begins with the first step of the procedure through which the individual is notified of his negative behavior up to the provision of the strategies through which this individual can rectify that behavior by involving into another more desirable way of behaving. After the procedure, has been implemented completely, results of the strategy of changing the behavior should be collected and recorded. The first results should be collected on the first step of the procedure, determining the positivity or negativity that Rad understands his need to change behavior and my intention as his instructor I the matter. The other results should be obtained on the effectiveness of the strategies after implementation. The results can be recorded through the assessment of the number of days that the individual manage to study, and even through the change in performance after initiating the implementation of the procedure.

Evaluation and revising

Evaluation of my effectiveness of this desired behavioral change can be assessed through the ability of the individual to change the behavior. The change in behavior can simply be determined by Rad expression of whether he is currently managing to study after being taught, and an assessment of his understanding of concepts a few days after they have been taught. To this program, a major revision that I may consider is changing the strategies of changing the behavior in case they do not help Rad to effectively change his behavior (Ahearn, 2010).





Ahearn, B. (2010). The Radical in Radical Behaviorism: Psychology today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/radical-behaviorist/201002/the-radical-in-radical-behaviorism

Kuhlenschmidt, S. (2015). Understanding Consequences; Reinforcers: Psychology. Retrieved from http://people.wku.edu/sally.kuhlenschmidt/psy443/conreinf.htm


Name: Assignment #1 RUBRIC


·        Grid View

·        List View






Set Behavioral Goals. Describe the desired behavior you would like Rad to achieve.



Did not submit or incompletely met the stated criteria.


18 (9%)

Partially met the stated criteria.


These should be specific and measurable. Are your goals that you want him to want to change? and then help him do that? What behavior are you trying to modify? Do you have a specific benchmark you want him to meet academically? To always have his homework? To score at least a 90% on tests? Without a specific goal, it is difficult to measure.


24 (12%)

Satisfactorily met the stated criteria.


30 (15%)

Thoroughly met the stated criteria.

Determine Appropriate Reinforcers. Define reinforcers, and explain the reinforcers that you have selected for the desired behavioral outcome for Rad. Include the primary reasons why the selected reinforcers are appropriate for Rad, you (the Instructor), and the environment.



Did not submit or incompletely met the stated criteria.


18 (9%)

Partially met the stated criteria.


What are reinforcers? Positive reinforcers? Negative reinforcers? What reinforcers will you use to help implement your behavioral plan for Rad? Positive reinforcement with praise/encouragement? Why is that beneficial for you as the instructor? For the environment? What achievements do you expect when using these reinforcers as a means to correct Rad¿s behavior?


24 (12%)

Satisfactorily met the stated criteria.


30 (15%)

Thoroughly met the stated criteria.

Select Procedures for Changing Behavior. Describe the procedures that you implemented to achieve the desired behavior in Rad, and specify the main reasons why you chose these procedures.



Did not submit or incompletely met the stated criteria.


18 (9%)

Partially met the stated criteria.


What would a typical day in the classroom with Rad look like? What procedures are used to help aid his better performance and/or behavior? How will you get him to care if respect for you isn’t enough? Why are these procedures best suited for helping Rad’s case specifically? How will you teach the desired and expected behavior and who will do the teaching?


24 (12%)

Satisfactorily met the stated criteria.


30 (15%)

Thoroughly met the stated criteria.

Implement Procedures and Record Results. Discuss the implementation of the procedures that you chose in Step 3, and create fictional results. Explain the method(s) that you used to observe the results.



Did not submit or incompletely met the stated criteria.


18 (9%)

Partially met the stated criteria.


What “procedures” are you implementing? Meeting with him and then providing suggestions/feedback for improvement? Is that an ongoing session? What were you measuring? His studying habits? His score on a specific test/assignment? His willingness to work harder? How were you measuring/recording results? Again, without a specific goal, it is hard to answer these questions.


24 (12%)

Satisfactorily met the stated criteria.


30 (15%)

Thoroughly met the stated criteria.

Evaluate and Revise. Discuss the method(s) that you used to evaluate the effectiveness of your desired behavioral change in Rad, and determine the major revisions you may consider to your program in the future.



Did not submit or incompletely met the stated criteria.


18 (9%)

Partially met the stated criteria.


This section is where you talk about strengths and weaknesses of your plan, and how you might revise it for better results. Without a clear cut goal, this is again a challenge. Further, How could your plan be revised to better suite Rad? For the parts of the plan that didn¿t work, what can you change to help increase results? For the successful parts, how will you make sure Rad can stay on this more successful or better behaved path?


24 (12%)

Satisfactorily met the stated criteria.


30 (15%)

Thoroughly met the stated criteria.

2 References



No references provided



Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices.


These should be academic, peer reviewed resources that can be found using Strayer’s Library and/or Google Scholar. Academic resources are not those found with a general Google search.



Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices.


10 (5%)

Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.

Writing Mechanics, Grammar, and Formatting



Serious and persistent errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.



Partially free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.


Thank you for using headers per APA guidelines. Consider using Grammarly and/or the Virtual Writing Center to help eliminate errors in spelling, grammar and formatting before submitting.



Mostly free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.


10 (5%)

Error free or almost error free grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting.

Appropriate use of APA in-text citations and reference section



Lack of in-text citations and / or lack of reference section.


Refer to the following site for accurate APA citations: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/



In-text citations and references are provided, but they are only partially formatted correctly in APA style.



Most in-text citations and references are provided, and they are generally formatted correctly in APA style.


10 (5%)

In-text citations and references are error free or almost error free and consistently formatted correctly in APA style.

Information Literacy / Integration of Sources



Serious errors in the integration of sources, such as intentional or accidental plagiarism, or failure to use in-text citations.


These should be infused throughout your paper.



Sources are partially integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.



Sources are mostly integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.


10 (5%)

Sources are consistently integrated using effective techniques of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing.

Clarity and Coherence of Writing



Information is confusing to the reader and fails to include reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.



Information is partially clear with minimal reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.



Information is mostly clear and generally supported with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.


10 (5%)

Information is provided in a clear, coherent, and consistent manner with reasons and evidence that logically support ideas.

Raw Total: 108.00 (of 200.0)

Feedback to Learner

Thank you for your submission. I appreciate that you included headers to organize your paper. There were some parts that were confusing. Without a specific goal (such as earning a specific grade on a test, in your class, always doing his homework, etc.) it is difficult to come up with a plan to assess and manage that. I had to do a lot of reading between the lines to see what you were talking about, and still didn’t really find a specific goal. Be sure to closely follow the provided rubric, template example papers so that you complete a thorough submission. Please review the grading selections and feedback and let me know if you have any questions.

Name:Assignment #1

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