I do not understand how RBAC works. Consider the following scenario at a small company called SuppliesRUs. In one division there are 5 employees:

Category: Engineering

I do not understand how RBAC works…please help explain.

Consider the following scenario at a small company called SuppliesRUs. In one division there are 5 employees: Alice, Bob, Cindy, David and Eve. Each user has authorization for the following actions:

Alice: Browse vendors, Add vendors, Edit vendors, Delete vendors

Bob: Browse vendors, Add vendors, Edit vendor

Cindy: Browse vendors, Add vendors, Browse payments, Add payments

David: Browse vendors, Browse payments, Add payments, Cancel payments

Eve: Browse vendors, Browse payments

Draw a graph matching users to actions. Then define possible roles to create RBAC model and show the corresponding diagram to map users to roles and then roles to actions.

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