Create a visual study guides for the second module: Non-Human Primates (Lectures 7-12 + Labs 3-5).
The main goal of the visual study guide is for you to demonstrate the most important topics covered in the course through your own point of view. We want to see how you reinterpret and connect the ideas discussed in the course in a bigger picture. Think of it as a tool for yourself, or a product that would let you explain to anyone who is not in the class what are the most important take-aways from this module.
Your Visual Study Guide can be done in several formats: a mindmap ( (Links to an external site.)), an infographic ( (Links to an external site.)), a drawing/painting, or even an animation. The important thing is that you demonstrate how the main topics in the course connect to specific subtopics, which in turn are related to ideas or facts.
If you want to see some cool examples of how to build a nice and effective mind map, check this out: (Links to an external site.)
The Visual Study Guide should include at least the following information:
Finally, be creative!