● Provide an overview and rationale (e.g., need, target population) for the proposed program, which should be rooted in existing literature. Students must include at least 3-4 research citations at this point to show the background and merit/support for the development for the chosen program. (*reminder, you will be developing an authentic program not using an already existing program, but you can utilize ideas and principles from what already exists)
● Develop 2-3 goals (broad) and 2-3 objectives (specific) *be sure to use the SMART principle
2. Intervention, resources, leadership plan, personal fitness self-assessment ● Describe the intervention ● Create a plan for obtaining resources for immediate and long-term programming ● Develop a leadership plan ● Develop a personal fitness plan including self-assessment (10 points), goal setting (10 points), and a description of how you will link this to your proposed project (20 points).
3. Program evaluation and logic model, personal fitness goal setting
● Create and include a logic model
● Present proposed evaluation methods and indicate how they conform with or deviate from existing literature in the area. To complete this step you should include another 2-3 research articles.
● Develop a personal fitness plan including self-assessment (10 points), goal setting (10 points), and a description of how you will link this to your proposed project (20 points)
4. 8-week schedule, activities, budget and assessments.
● Complete a budget analysis (table) and show how the budget will be used (narrative).
● Create a full schedule of activities and such (class instruction, activities, ect)
● Finalize detailed assessment methods
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