Hiim 134 medical terminology assignment #2

Category: Biology

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Assignment Objectives: After completing this assignment you will be able to:

• Apply your new knowledge of terms and abbreviations related to the respiratory ear, nose, throat, integumentary, musculoskeletal, blood, eye and endocrine systems to interpret medical terms in their proper context
• Perform searches of the internet and other reference materials to answer questions.


Save and print your Assignment #1 which is a series of medical reports and answer the questions that follow each of the reports. 

Place your answers in the sheet below. Save as Assign1.Answers.HIIM134.Smith.J.doc (of course substituting your name). Enter your answer in the appropriate box in the table. In the first report, for example, enter the first symptom in the box in the column after #1. Do not delete the phrases I have listed in each box as a guide (e.g. “Symptom #1) since it not only helps you in completing the assignment, but it also helps me in grading your papers. The point value for each of the questions is located in parentheses after the number. When you have to type in an answer, start after the phrase that begins the box on the same line. Please note that the space within the cell automatically becomes larger when your answer goes beyond one line. You can move to the next box by hitting tab several times, or hitting the down arrow key or placing your cursor in the correct location by using the mouse (which I find the easiest to do). Save frequently as you work on the assignment so that if something goes wrong you haven’t lost too much of your work. Send your assignment answer sheet to the instructor through Canvas. Do not copy and paste your completed worksheet in the homework assignment dialog box, do not send via email as an attachment.

Respiratory System – Discharge Summary

Number (Value) Letter of 
1. (2) 
2. (2) 
3. (2) 
4. (2) 
5. (2) 
6. (2) 

7. Match the patient’s drug with its corresponding medical use in the body. 
Number (Value) Letter of Answer
Column A – Drug
Column B 
Use In Body/Drug Type
(2) 1. Lasix A. Hypertension
(2) 2. Metoprolol B. Lipidemia
(2) 3. Flonase C. Fluid retention
(2) 4. Simvastatin D. Allergic rhinitis

Number (Value) Answer
8. (2) SOB : 
(2) 4L O2:: 
(2) MRSA: 
(2) p.o. (method of drug administration): 
(2) b.i.d. (frequency of drug administration): 
9. (2) Pulse oximetry test definition: 

Otorhinolaryngology – Emergency Room Note

Number (Value) Answer
1. (2) Letter of answer: 
2. (2) Otalgia definition: 
3. (2) Letter of answer: 
4. (2) Letter of answer:
5. (2) Cause of decreased skin turgor: 
6. (2) Letter of answer: 
7. (2) TMs (as it relates to ear anatomy)
(2) M/R/G (in terms of a cardiac exam and heart assessment): 
(2) WNL: 
8. (2) Right ear canal description (be very detailed): 
9. (2) What doctor found physically in oral mucosa (be very detailed, don’t just say that it was normal): 
10. (2) Letter of answer: 
11. (2) Letter of answer: 

Integumentary System – Discharge Summary

Number (Value) Answer
1. (2) Subcutaneous abscess: 
(2) Soft tissue debridement definition: 
(2) Split-thickness skin graft definition: 
2. (2) Broad spectrum antibiotic definition: 
(2) Two medications that make up Augmentin XR: 
3. (2) Letter of answer: 
4. (2) Letter of answer: 
5. (2) DVT: 
(2) Wound V.A.C (what do the letters V.A.C stand for?): 
Musculoskeletal System – Operative Report

Number (Value) Answer
1. (2) Trimalleolar fracture definition: 
(2) Oblique fracture definition (be specific): 
(2) Prepped and draped definition (be very specific): 
2. Put the following operative steps in correct order by numbering them 1-10, with 1 being the first step.
Number (Value) Number order 
of step Steps in operation
(1) X-ray of the screws that were too long
(1) Incision on the inner side of the right ankle
(1) Incision on the outer side of the ankle
(1) Plate placed onto the fibula with screws
(1) Sewing the incisions
11 Application of the bulky Jones dressing
(1) X-ray of satisfactory screw position
(1) Towel clip positioned
(1) Removal of medial hematoma
(1) Removal of lateral hematoma
(1) Placement of a screw into the lower tibia

3. (2) What could not and was not repaired during surgery: 
4. (2) Step redone at surgery and why done: 
Hematology – Office Visit Note
Number (Value) Medical term or phrase
Use only the medical terms/phrases that are listed under the report in the main document (see arrow pointing to the words in the main document)
1. (1) 
2. (1) 
3. (1) 
4. (1) 
5. (1) 
6. (1) 
7. Leukocytosis
8. (1) 
9. (1) 
10. (1) 

Ophthalmology – Outpatient Clinic Visit Note

Number (Value) Answer
1. (2) GC (choose the ONE word that is a type of STD – see appendix II in back of the textbook): 
(2) VDRL: 
(2) VS (in the Exam section): 
(2) STD: 
2. (2) Letter of answer: 
3. (2) Letter of answer: 
4. (2) Letter of answer: 
5. (2) Letter of answer: 
6. (2) 50th percentile in weight: 
(2) Conjunctival infection: 
(2) Mucopurulent drainage: 
(2) Pseudomembrane (of eye: 
(2) Eversion of eyelid – an exam procedure (What does the doctor actually do to the eyelid?): 
Endocrinology – Clinic Office Note
Number (Value) Answer
1. (2) Letter of answer: 
2. (2) Letter of answer: 
3. (2) Letter of answer: 
4. (2) Letter of answer: 
5. (2) Letter of answer: 
6. (2) TSH: 
(2) FNA (type of biopsy): 
(2) HRT: 
7. (2) Lid lag definition: 
(2) Asymmetric to palpation: 

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