Project Description
You work for a business information firm that provides clients with summaries of publicly available information on a range of businesses. Your boss comes to you and says that an increasing number of clients have been asking that the firm develop a catalog of company profiles on businesses that have something to do with the oil and gas industry. The clients want this catalog so that they can quickly identify which companies they may want to carry out additional research on, and possibly have your firm do that research. You’ll need to write company profiles that provide an objective, fact-based summary of:
You are to write a profile of either a company that is focused on one activity in the oil and gas industry (e.g., a small exploration and production company, or a small service company whose primary business is drilling wells) or one business unit within a larger company involved in multiple industry activities (e.g., the refining unit of an integrated oil and gas company, or the seismic survey unit of a large, multi-purpose service company).
Preparing the Company/Business Unit Profile
Select a company or a business unit within a company of interest to you that is involved in the oil and gas industry or in providing one or more services to the industry. There are a variety of places to look up candidate companies, one of which is Google Finance (e.g., Google Finance ->Energy->Oil & Gas and Google Finance ->Energy->Oil & Gas Related Equipment and Services
Next, track down publicly available information on the company/business unit using as complete and even a mix of the following resources as possible:
The profile should be at least 500 words, but no more than 750 words in length. You should cite the materials you read when writing your company profile and provide a bibliography at the end of your work. For more information about citation, please refer to the Purdue University writing guide. The style of citation is not important. Finally, your report must address the following questions:
Goal 1: What the Company Does
Goal 2: How the Company/Business Unit Has Performed
Goal 3: What the Challenges/Successes Have Been for the Company