A Critical Reading Analysis (CRA) aims at scaffolding for an author’s main concepts, and de-constructing some of his/her ideas or arguments. While this intellectual task is critical for a clear understanding of the concepts advanced by an author, it will serve as a springboard into more in-depth discussions of the chapter’s content and method(s). Appended, you will find the template for completing this assignment. Also, please browse through the student sample(s) of similar work, which I have uploaded to INST 110W COURSE GUIDELINES in Bb Learn. The following are the specifics for a successful completion of the assignment:
a. Make sure you will have read Kathryn Sorrells’ chapter 4: (Dis) Placing Culture and Cultural Spaces: Locations of Nonverbal and Verbal Communication (Textbook, pp. 76-99), before you start to work on your CRA-1;
b. Address the questions that I have highlighted on the CRA by providing the specific page(s) number(s), paragraph(s), where the reader can locate the information on chapter four;
c. You will not earn points for this activity IF you do not provide the page(s) number(s) where the information is drawn from;
d. I strongly recommend that you read the CRA STUDENT SAMPLES, which I have provided to you (i.e., pay particular attention to how the students backed up Sorrells’ main points, arguments);
I uploaded a file to write the assignment on it, Also, I uploaded the lectures if you need it
And here is the books :’%20chapter%204%3A%20(Displacing%20Culture%20and%20Cultural%20Spaces%3A%20Locations%20of%20Nonverbal%20and%20Verbal%20Communication&f=false