I need this in about 200 words
Think of the 3 R’s: Reading, wRiting, & aRithmetic. These three subjects are the focus of our formal elementary education. Have you ever heard someone say (yourself included), “I can’t do math; I’m just not good at it”? Others often respond by saying, “I know what you mean, I can’t do it either”. This is followed by laughs and tales of their hideous math classes. But, the statement, “I can’t read or write; I’m just not good at it,” is rarely followed by a similar camaraderie. Why do you think it is acceptable to be unskilled in arithmetic but not in reading or writing? Is this part of our culture? How do you think this influences your attitude on learning math?
Here is a Science Friday discussion about the topic of math in school. It is 15 minutes and might give you some food for thought on this question. http://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/how-much-math-should-everyone-know-show-your-work/