I will be doing a presuasive speech which will require a preparation outline of it.
my subject in about Plastic Surgery and I will be persuadinf the audience that im with plastic surgery to do it.
7 refrencess wirtten in works cited page and should there be 3 diffrent sources( article, book, magazine, web).
Talking how positive is doing plastic surgery and the benefit, also how changed people lifes.
in MLA style about 5 to 6 pages and the oultine should be witrren in Roman numerals with each main points and subheading accordingly.
creative introduction with good thesis and conclusion related to the main points with good note finality.
I attached the speech outline instructions and also a sample of how the paper should be.
please read the intructions carfully and if you are not familiar with persuasive write style dont waste my time and yours.