Peyton’s and Ryan’s swimming pool is turning green. They will fix the chlorine generator again, but they need to add shock to clear up the algae in the pool. Commercially available shocks are typically powders containing calcium hypochlorite. The hypochlorite ion forms the active hypochlorous acid when the product is added to water. Household bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, which Peyton and Ryan think should serve the same purpose. Will one gallon of bleach from the dollar store be as effective at generating hypochlorous acid as a one pound bag of pool shock?
Describe an experiment that would provide strong evidence for evaluating this claim. Strong essays are generally 300-500 words in length and include several references.
essay template:
Replace this text with the key claim(s) you have identified in the essay prompt. You should be able to state the claim(s) clearly in one or two sentences.
Proposed Experiment:
Replace this text with a 300-500 word essay describing an experiment that would provide strong evidence in evaluating the claim you have identified above. This should not be a procedure or a research paper discussing or reviewing the topic. Instead, focus on elements of the design of an experiment a chemist could conduct in a laboratory to test the claim. Include details such as what you would measure, how you would measure it, how you would evaluate the data, and what the results would mean. Consider discussing limitations of the experiment or ways to further strengthen the experiment. Be sure to cite your references using the APA format (in text citations and references list).
This is a chemistry class. Think about ways to test the claim using chemistry. For example, if a claim related to the amount of caffeine in coffee, it would be better to chemically measure the amount of caffeine than to survey participants on how much it helped wake them up. Do a little research on how that could be done.
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Replace this text with your references.