Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
Course outcome(s) assessed in this Assignment:
PU120-2: Describe the impact public health informatics and communications has upon the social determinants of population health.
GEL-4.02 Distinguish among different theoretical perspectives in the social sciences.
Public health officials use a variety of methods to collect demographic, cultural/ethnic, and health data in an effort to develop and implement effective programs to improve health outcomes. What may be a major health concern for African Americans living in New York City may not pose a health threat for Hispanics living in Houston, Texas. Likewise, citizens living in an inner city or disadvantaged community may be facing serious health concerns that pose no issue for those living in middle and upper class neighborhoods within the same city. Therefore, public health officials must use every tool available to them to determine not only what the public health concerns are, but where they exist and who are most affected.
Please be sure to utilize the resources available in Academic Tools to assist you with meeting APA expectations for written Assignments.
Submitting Your Work
You will submit your work in a PowerPoint document to the Dropbox. For directions on how to submit your work and review your graded Assignments, refer to the Dropbox Guide found on the Academic Tools tab. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted work.
Grading Criteria
Be sure to review the grading rubric for this Assignment in the Course Resources.
Resources: Academic Success Center
Writing Center: Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations
How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation