Research paper | Biology homework help

Category: Biology


I. Abstract 

II. Introduction

A. Background

   1. Topic sentence for paragraph 1

   2. Topic sentence for paragraph 2

   3. Repeat previous structure as needed

B. Problem/Significance of your topic (why is the topic you are writing about important?)

C. Main statement. The main statement is similar to a thesis statement; it summarizes the main idea of your paper. For review papers, the main statement usually begins as follows: ‘This review examines | This review will present | This review provides an overview | This review explores

III. Body of the Review

   A. Heading for topic area A (headings are like mini titles of the subtopics you are covering in your review)

       1. Topic sentence for paragraph 1 (this should be a sentence stating the main idea you plan to cover in this paragraph

           a. Supporting statement (citation): this is a short statement of the evidence you plan to include as supporting information for your topic sentence. It does not need to be a full sentence, but you should include a citation of the paper from which this evidence is derived.

            b. Supporting statement (citation)

       2. Topic sentence for paragraph 2

            a. Supporting statement (citation)

            b. Supporting statement (citation)

       3. Repeat this structure for any additional paragraphs included in this section

     B. Heading for topic area B

        1. Topic sentence for paragraph 1

           a. Supporting statement (citation)

           b. Supporting statement (citation)

        2. Topic sentence for paragraph 2

            a. Supporting statement (citation)

            b. Supporting statement (citation)

      C. Heading for Topic Area C 

         1. Topic sentence for paragraph 1

            a. Supporting statement (citation)

            b. Supporting statement (citation)

         2. Topic sentence for paragraph 2

            a. Supporting statement (citation)

            b. Supporting statement (citation)

IV. Conclusions

    A. Summary and Interpretation of the findings: What is the take-home message of your review? What were the most important findings and what are the implications of those findings?

        a. Supporting statement (citation)

        b. Supporting statement (citation)

    B. Future work needed in the field, knowledge gaps: Which areas pertinent to your topic still require more research? What are some of the questions that remain unanswered?

        a. Supporting statement (citation)

        b. Supporting statement (citation)


These are sample references formatted according to APA guidelines.

Need three primary sources and two secondary sources 

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