Week 1 assignment for assessment and intervention during early

Category: Geography

Determining the Observation Site

For Weeks Two and Five of this course, you will be asked to complete an assessment as well as a developmental screening on a young child. For this Learning Activity, you will find a child to observe for both of these assessments. Before selecting a child to work with, ensure he/she will be available during the next five weeks, as you will need to observe them on more than one occasion. If you are currently working with children, you may request permission to observe and work with a child in your class or center. If you are not currently working with children, or do not have children of your own (one to eight years of age), you will need to use the videos provided below for your observations. To access the videos, go to The Colorado Department of Education’s Results Matter Video Library and scroll down the list to find the titles of the videos for the child you choose from the table below. To locate transcripts for these videos, please clickHERE. Please make sure to watch all of the videos listed in the table below for your chosen child.

Child to Observe

Video(s) to Watch


Davana and Sidney Painting Together

Davana and Jozlynn at the Sand Table


Kyrill and Kira at the Easel

Kyrill and Dylan at the Water Table


Austin and Sander at the Breakfast Table

Austin and the Broken Bridge


Alicia in Several Activities

You must ensure that you can observe and assess the child on multiple occasions. You will need a minimum of two different assessment times, three is preferable. You also must ensure that you are working with the same child for all required assessments during this course. 

For this activity you will need to complete the Determining the Observation Site document. Once you have completed the document, you will need to submit to Waypoint for evaluation no later than Day 7.

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