Discussion 1
In your responses to Alden and Joseph post that is uploaded below, address the following after reviewing their completed speech outline template and initial post:
Discussion 2
In response to Valerie and Justin posts, discuss some of the differences you notice between Impressionism and Romanticism based on each classmate’s example and the historical context in which they describe it (e.g., even though loose brushstrokes are characteristic of both Impressionist and Romantic paintings, the meaning conveyed in each style is different and reflects their respective historical/social contexts).
Valerie post
I have chosen Edouard Manet’s Plum Brandy for this week’s discussion. From c. 1877, this work depicts a young woman seated at a Cafe alone. She appears to be almost outside the canvas, with the table as the only barrier between her and the viewer. We can not read what is on her mind as she appears to be in profound thought, and we do not know what she is looking at as she is seated in the cafe. Her clothes would have been typical of a working-class woman in France in that day; had she been middle or upper class, she would have more than likely been wearing gloves.
There are many cultural clues in the painting, from the young woman’s clothes to the table that separates her from the viewer; the marble table is typical of what may have been in the French cafe of that day. The image is almost defiant in that it would not have been culturally acceptable for a woman to be seated alone in a cafe; it also would not have been acceptable for her to have a cigarette in her hand or the Plum Brandy that she is drinking.
Manet uses loose brushstrokes in this painting, typical of him and other impressionist artists. He paints with these patches that appear to be dabs of paint from his paintbrush. These patches are shown most prominently in the fingers of her left hand and the plum in glass. If you look closely, you can almost see the dab of paint in the fingers as he forgoes clean lines in exchange for these thatches.
The aesthetics of this Artwork would have seemed unfinished during the Romantic period and represents the French roots of the Impressionist movement and the change in beauty standards.
Justin post
The painting I’ve chosen is A Bar at the Folies-Bergere by Edouard Manet. This painting was completed a year before Manet’s death and exhibited in 1882. The main focus of this painting is a barmaid working behind the bar. Through the mirror behind her, we can see many patrons inside a lavish bar and the barmaid herself is talking with a customer. Folies-Bergere was a real place that Manet would go to often with friends. The cultural influence of lavish Paris nightlife can be felt through this painting. As with other impressionists paintings, this painting is like a snapshot in time rather than a historical one.
What stands out most in this painting is the barmaid herself. She has almost a blank expression on her face that could be interpreted as sad, bored, or un-interested. This is in contrast to the seemingly lively and jovial reflection in the mirror. She almost feels detached in that way. Maybe that was Manet’s point with painting. That despite being in a pleasant atmosphere, we can still feel isolated.
Discussion 3
In response to Annie and Sarah posts, offer suggestions for refining and strengthening their proposed test.
Annie post
There are so many topics I’d love to cover, but if I were to propose a test right now, I would focus on an individual’s susceptibility to entering a DV (domestic violence) relationship. Measurable variables could be self-esteem, self-worth, childhood trauma, family support, friends support, attachment style, family size/makeup, etc. I believe this would be a semi-structured interview, where there is a pre-determined list of questions but the interviewer has the freedom to follow up on answers in order to get more details (Kchessler, n.d.). This test would not be very reliable or valid since the scores would be construct (a construct score being one that measures theoretical variables such as depression, agreeableness, etc.) (Cohen, 2021). Regardless of the lack of reliability and validity, it would still provide an idea of who is more likely to fall into these relationships. This could be used for teens as they are starting to date and would benefit from a warning for this kind of relationship, or any individual at any age who wants to understand why they end up in these relationships.
Sarah post
The test I am going to administer is more of an experimental test that will measure the effects of meditation and nature connection with teens who suffer from depression. About 20% of teenagers experience depression before adulthood (Geiger, 2020). It’s important to measure depression in teenagers because early intervention has been proven to reduce the severity of symptoms. It also gives the individual a chance to heal unsolved trauma so that they are mentally and emotionally prepared as they enter adulthood.
This test will be reliable because it will have the same procedure and assessment for every participant. It will be consistent and stable in measuring the effects of meditation and nature in individuals who suffer from depression.
Because this assessment will be reliable it will automatically be high in validity (Test Reliability and Validity Defined, 2021). The assessment will be self-reported, and it will be given to participants before and after the meditation and nature exercises.
This test will be taken prior to meditation and nature practices to assess stress level and symptoms of depression. After one month of practice, the same test will be given to participants and to measure the effects of meditation and immersing themselves in nature.
Respond to Rusty, Jamie, Dusty, and Rebecca posts be constructive and professional with response
Rusty post
There are some advantages to employee referrals. The main idea of this recruiting strategy is to rely on current employees to bring in potential employees that would be beneficial to the company, based on their current knowledge of the company and its needs. This process could save the company time, money, and resources in the recruiting process. However, this strategy has its disadvantages as well. Nepotism, as in powerful influence or favoritism is a part of this idea. Any employee has an opportunity to refer a potential employee, thus some employees of high favor within the company could push for a friend or relative. Leading to unqualified persons gaining positions within the company. This could also lead to discrimination based on race and age.
As an employer, I would not lead very hard into this strategy. for larger more established companies recruiters or head-hunters, would be the best solution; Using multiple sources such as social media and employment-based websites and job fairs. Personally understanding the applicants will weed out the unqualified and provide a better base of applicants for the company.
The utilization of online recruiting websites, such as LinkedIn, is a great way to vet new and potential employees for any firm desiring the best candidate for the job. These sites offer a large pool of persons desiring better employment and a brief resume of qualifications, prior to any interviews; allowing the recruiters a snap shot of what to expect.
Jamie post
I am sure many of us can relate to referrals and what benefits we may or may not receive when such recommendations are requested or received. We as adults knowing the difference of personal and business lives know that relationships, positions and ways of thinking all change in one way or another. A disadvantage to referrals to me would be decisions based off of emotions and not performance, when you decide to have your emotions determine the way or reason one is referred rather than their work ethics it can possibly lead the receiving party to an unexpected response which doesn’t necessarily compliments what they’re capable of and their ultimate goal. An advantage can be this same analogy, you and the person referring you have developed a good relationship business and personal where the referral is not only truthful but can possibly lead both individuals on new paths to increase or a new environment. Other recruiting strategies to consider as an employer would be the employees previous work records, what strengths and weaknesses the individual possess from an HR point of view and what if any methods were used to overcome those weaknesses. Along with social media sites, what area of interest do they mainly contribute to outside of work and do they see those characteristics being bought into their work life and does it affect their work performance. Online recruiting is very useful for job recruiting, I have had my experience with online recruiting and was successful with their recruitment system.
Dustin post
Rebecca post
When it comes to Jobs’ leadership approach I agree with the transformational aspects as this helps the individuals feel inspired and have good moral while also building the company successfully. I do however disagree with the transactional approach that was also used as this causes poor rapport with the staff and they in turn will become less productive and less engaged. In order to create a more empathetic and collaborative space I would remove Jobs’ for the position of direct involvement with the staff and allow there to be a middle person that would provide the information from Jobs’ to the staff in a more productive way. While also working with Jobs’ to address the way he talks to people and the negative effects that is causing. Creating a more effective collaboration would still allow Apple to successful because the workers would be more motivated and encouraged and want to do a good job to please Jobs’. If I was dealing with a colleague that is being negative during a collaborative exchange I would speak up and remind them that the outcome of the collaboration is to encourage positivity and if their input is not productive to the exchange then to please share their comments after the meeting on an individual bases.