Article Critique (one to one and one half pages)
The critique should communicate your understanding of the article’s main points and offer an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, the critique should comment on the article’s usefulness to student.
Article critiques typically adhere to the following structure:
(Note: Remember to justify your analysis of strengths and weaknesses with evidence from the article. In assessing strengths, you may paraphrase compelling points or explain how the author’s ideas illuminate a particular aspect of the article. In evaluating weaknesses, you may offer contrary interpretations of the article, point to illogical passages or inaccuracies in the article, explain how the author’s evidence does not sufficiently support his or her point.
Article Critique Format and Rubric (Each Must be a separate paragraph)
Introduction 5
Summary 5
Assessment 5
Conclusion 5
Each Section should be separated.
Discussion Questions (200 words each)
What if. . .a parent, rushing to go to work, told you that the child vomited before coming to school? The parent is not concerned because he or she feels it was related to roughhousing with a sibling right after eating breakfast. How might you handle this situation? Would you allow the child to stay?
2. What if …you had a toddler in your program with lactose intolerance whose family was inconsistent in restricting lactose. This was causing this child to have periodic bouts of diarrhea that were affecting potty training. How would you discuss this subject with the parents?
3. What if…other teachers in your school offered candy as a reward to children who are keeping on task? What type of nonfood methods might you suggest to as an alternative to motivate students?