Ashworth semester exam en120 english composition i

Category: English


Question 1

Freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, asking questions, and keeping a journal are examples of:

achieving coherence.

revising paragraphs.

prewriting techniques.

providing variety in paragraphs

Question 2

There are three basic ways of ordering ideas for coherence in paragraphs; they are:

time order, space order, and order of importance.

comparison, contrast, and description.

grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

process, persuasion, and personification

Question 3

The following sentences probably came from a/an __________ paragraph. “A trophy that sits on my shelf has become a lasting symbol of pride in overcoming obstacles for me. I was twelve at the time and had no special talents; in fact, sometimes I stuttered when I felt pressured to answer. It was in September of that year when the debate coach asked me to come into her office.”





Question 4

Which of the following sentences uses subordination correctly?

We will eat dinner, when Sara arrives.

I enjoyed the class, although I did not learn very much.

When the teacher announced that the exam was over, we sighed with relief.

When I am hungry I usually enjoy eating a piece of fruit or a raw carrot.

Question 5

The following sentences probably came from a/an __________ paragraph. “If you follow these directions carefully, you should not have trouble getting to Central City Museum. Begin by catching the express bus on Heron Street and taking it to the last stop, Regal Square.”





Question 6

in which sentence does the antecedent clearly refer to the pronoun?

Kelly is an excellent singer, yet she has never taken a lesson in it.

In North Carolina farmers raise tobacco.

Mr. Jones told his son that his car had a flat tire.

In Washington they grow apples.

Question 7

in writing, __________ stress differences, whereas __________ stresses similarities.

illustration; description

contrast; comparison

persuasion; explanation

classification; analysis

Question 8

Problems that are specific to cause-and-effect writing include:

errors in comma and apostrophe usage.

using spatial order instead of chronological order to organize the paragraphs.

a lack of sentence variety and incorrect parallel structure.

oversimplification and the confusion of time order with causation.

Question 9

____ is the final step in the writing process.





Question 10

plagiarism is:

failing to give credit to an author whose words or ideas you use.


a punishable offense.

All of the above are true

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