
Category: Literature

Ashford 5: – Week 4 – Assignment

Searching for eBooks in the Ashford University Library


In Week Five of the course, you will submit an annotated bibliography that contains six different sources that address your research question. One of those sources will be an e-book from the Ashford University Library. You may choose to use the e-book you discover in this assignment in your annotated bibliography.

For this assignment, you will be expected to locate a chapter within an e-book in the ebrary that addresses your research question. Once you locate a chapter, you will need to read that chapter to complete the assignment.

Complete the steps below.

Step 1:

Watch the Video icon GEN103 – Week Four: Searching for e-Books in the Ashford University Library video (transcript) for an overview of what a completed assignment should contain

Then, watch the Video icon Using Ebrary to Find e-books tutorial to learn how to search for e-books in the ebrary database. Then, using the keywords you brainstormed in Week Two, locate a chapter in an e-book from the ebrary database in the Ashford University Library that addresses your research question and can be used in your Final Paper. In a Word document, include your research question, title of the e-book, title of the chapter, author, year, publisher, and location of publisher.

Step 2:

Now that you have selected your e-book chapter for your bibliography, it is time to practice creating an annotation for this source. Your annotation should be created in your Word document, should follow the format below, and should be between 100 and 150 words in length.

  • Purpose: The first sentence of the annotation should explain the purpose or the thesis of the source.
  • Content: After explaining the purpose or thesis, describe the subject of the e-book chapter.
  • Evidence: After explaining the overall structure of the source, summarize the evidence that the author uses to support his or her claims. Does the author use numbers, statistics, historical documents, or draw from work created by other intellectuals?
  • Relation: Explain how the source relates to other sources you have found on this topic throughout the course. Point out how it contradicts or supports these sources.

Step 3:

After you have completed the annotation, use the Document icon Evaluating Information – Applying the CRAAP Test handout to evaluate the source. Write another 100- to 150-word paragraph in your Word document immediately following the annotation in which you evaluate the e-book and explain its strengths. At the end of the paragraph, explain why you would feel confident using this e-book in a larger research paper.

View the Document iconeBrary Resource Example to guide you as you complete this assignment.

Your assignment should include a title page formatted appropriately according to APA 6th edition guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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