1. In Before the Flood, we saw countless ways that our consumption is ruining the environment. What outcomes were most shocking to you? What solutions provided you with the most optimism for the future?
2. Every November, we have a chance to elect representatives with our best interests in mind, whether that is locally or in Washington, D.C. If you were elected to office, what actions would you take to ensure a sustainable future for future generations?
3. During the most recent Presidential election, we voted not only for a new leader of the so-called “Free World,” but an individual who theoretically has the power to set us on a new course. How did the Trump administration do in this regard? What positions do you think the Biden administration should pursue? Do some research if necessary.
4. The debate about climate change has been labeled as a misinformation campaign. What arguments have you heard on either side of the debate that have been most impactful in creating your views? Have any of these ideas been changed because of this film?
5. Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future of our planet? Why?
6. The film is filled with powerful imagery, eye-popping statistics, and a myriad of ideas of how to live a greener lifestyle. What was most powerful and inspiring to you? What will you tell your peers about this film?
7. What socio-political issues or scientific facts do you want to learn more about with regard to the climate crisis humanity is facing?