Biblically based leadership topics that hr managers get involved in

Category: Questions


Write a 1200-1400 word article on a Biblically-based leadership topic of  your choice that HR managers get involved with. Write an article that might be submitted to the Regent University Society for Human Resource Management (RU SHRM) Newsletter which is published quarterly.  

Please use the attached template for the document. Be careful not to alter the styles while typing.

Please use in sentence citations — “According to Jones, (2014) . . .” or parenthetical citations — “Servant leadership focuses on the employee (Bass, 2000)” to show where your ideas came from. Please use italic and quote marks to show a direct quotation of the text from a source –  According to James (2015) “Leadership is about relationships (p. 245).” Be sure to turn italics off after your quote.

Please don’t forget to include your short Author’s bio.

Please use the reference format as shown in the template.

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