Computer Science

Exp19_excel_appcapstone_introassessment_travel | Computer Science homework help

#Exp19_Excel_AppCapstone_IntroAssessment_Travel You are considering several cities for a vacation. In particular, you are interested in Washington DC, Philadelphia, and Boston. You will format a list of memorials in DC, add Sparklines to compare the number of visitors over a 15-year period, and create a bar chart to illustrate annual visitors at each memorial. In addition, […]

Blockchain in business | Computer Science homework help

Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, […]

python 3.6 assignment | Computer Science homework help

 Hello, Hope this email finds you well. I have an important assignment worth 100% of my grade that I really need your help with. Kindly find below the set of questions: AssignmentAnswer all parts of the following question. Marks allocated to each part in squarebrackets.Data source for Questions 2 through 5 needs to be the […]

Application security project – assume scenario 1 and answer tasks in

 Overall Scenario  Always Fresh Foods Inc. is a food distributor with a central headquarters and main warehouse in Colorado, as well as two regional warehouses in Nevada and Virginia. The company runs Microsoft Windows 2019 on its servers and Microsoft Windows 10 on its workstations. There are 2 database servers, 4 application servers, 2 web […]

Ms windows firewall methodologies | Computer Science homework help

Using the Web or other resources, do a bit of research on the methodologies that Microsoft Windows  firewall uses. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of that approach.   Post between 200 and 300 words.   Read and respond to two other discussions attached

On the discussion forum, describe an instance where a government has taken some action the result of which is influence on commerce.

On the discussion forum, describe an instance where a government has taken some action the result of which is influence on commerce.

Ruby programming | Computer Science homework help

  The college IT department manager no longer wants to use spreadsheets to calculate grades. The manager has asked you to create a program that will input the teachers’ files and output the students’ grades.   Write a Ruby program named formatfile.rb, which can be run by typing ruby widgets.rb.  In your Ruby environment, the program […]

For this assignment, you are asked to locate any company privacy

For this assignment, you are asked to locate any company privacy policy. Some of the more popular ones might include GOOGLE, APPLE, or MICROSOFT, but you may elect to review another agency. In 3- 4 paragraphs, explain what you find to be the most interesting information contained in that privacy policy. At the end of […]

Data visualization | analyzing and visualizing data

Read through the chapter-1 of the recommended text book  Required Text: Kirk, A. (2016). Data visualisation a handbook for data driven design. Los Angeles, CA: Sage. ISBN: 978-1473912144 Identify one or a few visualisations/infographics you think are especially effective. Identify one or a few visualisations/infographics you think are especially ineffective. For each choice, consider the reasons that […]

Deco2500 exam2013-human-computer-interaction set 1 & 2

    DECO2500/7250 – Sample questions – Set 1 1. What is the best description of a conceptual model? a. A high level description of how a system is organised and how it operates b. Interaction paradigms and interaction modes c. A diagram showing the mental model of the user and the system image d. The […]

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