Computer Science

Module-3 discussion | Computer Science homework help

  Module 3 Discussion Forum Include at least 250 words in your posting and at least 250 words in your reply.  Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements. Module 3 Discussion Question Search “” for a company or school that has reported issues, problems, concerns […]

Advances in data collection | Computer Science homework help

 Answer each of these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer.  1. Should society help workers dislocated when technology, like the Internet, elimlnates their jobs in a process called ‘Creative Destruction? 2. are we working more and earning less? 3. Would you want […]

Data visualization – annotations | Computer Science homework help

This week we turn our attention to annotations.  Annotation is a crucial component of good data visualization.  It can turn a boring graphic into an interesting and insightful way to convey information.  This week,  please navigate to any site(Refer below) and find a graphic that could use some annotation work.  Add the graphic and the […]

Need to complete the assignment in the format mentioned in the

  Topic: Based on this weeks lectures take an inventory of door and window locks in your living area or place of work to identify areas of concern and improvement. Remember to get permission from security. Instructions: Please download the Assignment 3 Door and Window Lock Assessment template (MS Word), which is already in APA […]

Course project week 2 | Computer Science homework help

   Note its based one week 1 you did Week 2 Create a flowchart for a simplified version of your program. Create a working version of it based on your flowchart. This should be a working program that accepts user input, does some calculation, and shows the results. It does not have to use conditional […]

Powerpoint_3g_remodels | Computer Science homework help

  PowerPoint_3G_Remodels #PowerPoint3GRemodels Project Description: In the following project, you will format a presentation that describes backyard remodels. Open   the file named Student_PowerPoint_3G_Remodels.pptx. downloaded with this project. Change the Colors for the   presentation to Paper. On Slide 1, format the   background with the Stationery texture, and then change the Transparency to   30%. Select Slides 2 […]

Discussion and assignment – security architecture and design.

1) Discussion:  Since we know that this particular instance of the AppMaker implements a customer-facing store that processes financial transactions, how does that influence which threat agents may be interested in attacking it?     Requirements: APA Format 2 References 400 Words Minimum 2)  Assignment: Attached Document with Requirements. (Need Conclusion too.) Let me know if you […]

Java assignment | Computer Science homework help

1 The Problem Consider a grid of size N x N that represents a topographic map. Each tile describes the characteristics of its terrain, which could be of two types: normal or mountainous. ROBBIE the robot must navigate from a starting position (xs; ys) to a goal position (xg; yg) using several of the learned […]

Assignment help | Computer Science homework help

 Answer each question in a paragraph that  contains at least five sentences: Include the question and number your  answers accordingly.  1. Should society help workers dislocated when technology, like the Internet, elimlnates their jobs in a process called ‘Creative Destruction‘? 2. are we working more and earning less? 3. Would you want a telecommuting job? Why or why not?  4. […]

Java program | Computer Science homework help

  Write a super class program called lastNameFirstNameInitialSuperPgm3 containing:  a) methodOne   that accepts one int and can not be inherited displaying the                 the int value received.  b) methodTwo   that accepts two strings and displays I am super methodTwo     c) methodThree that accepts nothing and displays I am super methodThree     2) Worth 2 point  Write a sub-class named lastNameFirstInitialSub1  that inherets […]

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